Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 120: Fat Cat

My wide angle lens makes Delmar, the Walrus (koo-koo-ka-choo) look even fatter than he is. But make no mistake: he's fat. And doesn't like my camera in his face. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 116: Homebody

I've been stretching my creative limits within the bounds of my own house lately. If you can guess what this is a picture of, I'll send you enough moolah for a premium latte. Ready? Set? Go!!!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 104: When did Jack get so grown up???

It's amazing how time flies!

Day 103: Obamanator

Matt's Sunday's best...

Day 102: Music in Church

Music in church - does not equal - church music.

Day 101: Keep Calm and Sasquatch On

Sunday afternoon pleasures...

Day 100: Toby

Meet the new member of our family: Toby. 

Day 99: Bear With Me

Simon found his Halloween costume from last year in the closet and insisted on wearing it today!!!

Simon's playing with our new dog, Toby. 

Have you ever seen a bear ride a monster truck before???

Day 98: Homegrown Shadows

Long, drawn-out shadows at my house...

Day 97: Tiny Shadows

First time hiking Austin Bluffs Open Space.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I'm gonna need a few more days...

to get caught up. But never fear, I will catch up this weekend!!! :) Thanks for hanging with me, gang!